Hi, my name is Sandeep
I'm an Android and Web Developer.

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About me

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I'm an extremely organized person who is focused on producing results. While I am always realistic when setting goals, I consistently develop ways to efficiently achieve, and often exceed, those goals. I am known for being a great listener and clear communicator, whether I'm engaging with colleagues or interacting with anyone.

I am passionate about building scalable software, creating effective solutions, and learning every day to grow professionally in the IT field.

Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

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Android Web

Android Apps 📱

Simple Chat App

Learn how to incorporate Firebase into our Flutter apps and used Firebase Cloud Firestore as well as the Firebase authentication package to equip our app with a cloud-based NoSQL database and secure authentication methods.

Source Code

Climate App

Project Based Learning Is Always Interesting.Here is climate app.Learn about asynchronous programming in Dart and carry out time consuming tasks such as getting device location and networking to get data from the internet.

Source Code

Github Profile

Getting user details of github through API hit

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Simple Quiz

No Backend Support

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Web Projects💻


This is nodejs project Chat made using socketio which enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication. It works on every platform, browser or device, focusing equally on reliability and speed.

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Authentication System

See in full screen mode for better visual.This is nodejs project(login and logout features with database).I have used mongodb as database and jade as templating engine (though it is deprecated now alternatives dust,ejs,hbs etc. )

Source Code


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